Drug Crimes Lawyer Serving Harris & Montgomery County

Hire an Experienced Drug Crimes Lawyer

Make the right choice to protect your future. Contact Attorney Kenneth D. Troost to set up a free case consultation. Our office is located in Porter, but we accept clients throughout the Harris and Montgomery County area and surrounding communities.

Drug Crimes Lawyer – Texas

Need a Serious Drug Crimes Lawyer? Hire Kenneth Troost

Drug Crime Defense in Texas is Serious Business. Possessing, selling or manufacturing controlled substances is illegal in Texas. With some of the strictest felony drug laws in the nation, it’s important you have a strong drug crimes lawyer on your side.

If you’re charged with a drug crime in Texas you might face serious penalties including thousand-dollar fines and even time behind bars.

A felony drug arrest can be shocking and frightening, not to mention expensive. Kenneth Troost is an experienced drug crimes defense lawyer who can protect your legal rights. If you are facing a criminal  case involving a drug charge of any kind contact the Troost Law Firm.

Troost Law Firm - Drug Crimes Lawyer Ken Troost

Criminal Lawyer Serving Harris and Montgomery County

Drug laws vary from state to state, but in Texas, drug possession is a serious offense that could potentially land you in jail.

If you are caught with controlled substances or driving under the influence in Texas, you could go to jail for a long time. That said, depending on the charges and your criminal history, your defense attorney may be able to help reduce your sentence by recommending that you go to rehab instead of jail.

What is the punishment for drugs in Texas?

According to this article from Nova Recovery Center – At a minimum, the charge for drug possession in Texas is either a “Class B” or “Class A” misdemeanor. This carries a penalty of up to one year in jail and a fine of up to $4,000, depending on the type of drug.

DWI With Marijuana

Most people equate driving while intoxicated with alcohol, but you can be charged with the offense if you are caught driving while under the influence of marijuana as well. If a police officer pulls you over and determines that you do not have the normal use of your mental or physical capabilities because you ingested marijuana, you can be arrested for DWI.

The penalties you face for a DWI with marijuana will be charged the same if you were caught driving while intoxicated by alcohol. A first offense is a Class B misdemeanor that entails a minimum of 72 hours in jail, a fine that can cost up to $2,000, and a license suspension for 90 days to a year.

Some drug crimes the Troost Law Firm team defends include

Let Lawyer Scientist Kenneth Troost and the Troost Law Firm defend you against felony drug charges. Possession, manufacturing or selling controlled substance charges will land you in jail. Call the Troost Law Firm at Call (281) 519-4529 Today.

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