Violent Crimes Defense Attorney Serving Montgomery County

Need a Violent Crimes Defense Attorney?

Many people with violent crime allegations are denied bail and given prison time. In addition, you could also be served with a protective order aka “restraining order.” The Troost Law Firm team defends people accused of violent crimes. 

Contact Attorney Kenneth D. Troost to set up a free case consultation. 

Violent Crimes Defense Attorney

Violent Crimes Defense Attorney for Harris & Montgomery County

A violent crime will typically have heavy penalties. Texas has imposed stringent laws to deter violent offenders from reoffending.  You need an aggressive Violent Crimes Defense Attorney.

Many people with violent crime allegations are denied bail and given prison time. In addition, you could also be served with a protective order otherwise known as a restraining order.

Violent Crimes Defense - Troost Law Firm -

Our Violent Crimes Defense team represents people accused of violent crimes including;

Sex Crimes Defense Attorney Kingwood Texas

Rape, sexual assault and other sex crimes are very serious and often complex matters. Your case demands an attorney who can fully investigate all circumstances in order to present a strong defense.

We have represented people from a variety of offenses including;

Visit the official website of Texas Legislation to access the statutes for your charges. Use the drop-down menu to find your charges under the appropriate section to learn more about the penalties, enhancements and possible admissible defenses.

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