Montgomery County DWI Expert

DWI Expert Kenneth Troost

Make the right choice PROTECT YOUR FUTURE.

Our office is located in Kingwood, but we accept clients throughout the Harris and Montgomery County area and surrounding communities.

We Focus on the Results you Need

DWI Defense Lawyer Ken Troost the DWI Xpert


Don't let a Commercial Driver DWI destroy your livelihood. DWI Attorney Ken Troost the "DWI Xpert" can help you keep your license, keep your rig and Keep on Truckin'


Hire Troost Law Firm when you need a highly skilled and experienced DWI Defense attorney to help get Marijuana DWI charges dropped or dismissed.


Juvenile DWI will be Life Changing, but it doesn't have to be Life Destroying! Troost Law Firm can guide your DWI defense and help put this learning experience in the rearview mirror.

Kenneth D. Troost is the “DWI Xpert.” – We defend adults and underage drivers against First, Second or Subsequent DWI, Marijuana DWI, Juvenile or underaged DWI charges.

DWI Xpert - DWI Defense Lawyer Kenneth D. Troost

First-time DWI offenders should expect a class B misdemeanor, which is punishable by up to 180 days in jail and a fine of up to $2,000. The majority of people with a first-time DWI don’t serve jail time. However, they have to handle all the added sentencing conditions.

Hire DWI Attorney Kenneth Troost the “DWI Xpert.” As a former DWI Task Force Officer turned DWI Defense Lawyer, Kenneth Troost knows the ins & outs of the Harris & Montgomery County court system. Don’t Plead Guilty Call Ken Troost (281) 519-4529
DWI Xpert Kenneth Troost

"I've been in your shoes. I too have faced what you are facing, and I know how it feels and what you expect from your lawyer. While my case was eventually dismissed, I felt the intense pressure for almost three years."

The DWI Xpert team defends people with DWI/DUI allegations of all types including

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